Wednesday, July 1, 2015

So today I decided why not give some more tips?

Here are 10 tips for back to school.-

1.Dont give  in on partying- Most of your friends in junior high and high school will invite you to parties but you can go to some but I recommend studying. It will help on test.

2.Bring what you need-Bring anything as long as you talk to your teacher.If they say no explain to the them and get parent permission if it is not something usual to bring to school.

3.Bring candy

4.bring a girl/boy school kit-there are plenty of youtube videos (girls: boys:couldnt find one ): ) You can also pack whatever you feel like you need.

5.Always make up work- Just because you miss a few days doesnt mean you shouldnt make up your work!

6.Try not to miss class- Try to get to school on time

7.Stay organized- it helps when your having a bad day.

8.Be honest to teachers- If you lie the punishment could be BIGGER

9.try your best- on some school projects the teachers might take points for effort more than perfection

10.Dont get in drama- it will lead to a joyful life :)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

So today I decided why not create a blog! Last night I literally stayed up all night. It is 7:45am and I wanna pass out aka sleep. Since I get bored half the time I am going to create a list of 20 things to do when your bored.

P.S. You can do most of these anywhere you want. This is for your enjoyment only.
Enjoy :)


1.Read-Any book can be interesting. When you read the book picture the scenes.

2.Play on your phone/tablet-- there is plenty of games and social media you can get on your phone!
Question of the day-What is your favorite social media site?     Answer-Snapchat

3.Make a play- use your imagination and write a play! If you have any sibling include them in it.

4.Just write-It helps clear out feelings and who knows! Write away and spill out your emotions!

5.Sing!- Play a song and sing as loud as you want!

6.Tents-Outdoors or indoors you can build one! You can easily grab some chairs,blankets, and pillows to create your own personal fort/tent. tv-Just sit on the couch and watch tv!

8.Walk-If you live in a neighborhood walk around the block

9.Eat-I bet your hungry impressions-Do you have a high pitch voice like Ariana Grande ? try impressions theyre fun to do!

11.Make a youtube-You can make videos!

12.Dance around-Show off your moves

13. Do an interview-Ask your family questions

14.Act like a ninja-do some ninja skills

15.Try to get a stranger to say they've met you-you can convince them

16.Invent a new language-It might be useful!

17.Yell random things while walking down your street-You might wake the neighbors tho

18.Push all the buttons on the elevator-actually don't haha

19.Laugh creepily-why not?

20.Sleep-Trust me it will help.